Welcome to our store, where you can use your ScholarDollars (SKOL) to buy valuable Discount Vouchers that you can redeem for BIG Savings at local Merchants who support your school
To Register for an account, click on Create Account below the Sign In button. You will be asked to enter your first and last name, an email address, and invent a password (don't forget it, write it down somewhere). IMPORTANT: PLEASE CALCULATE THE AMOUNT OF SCHOLAR DOLLARS YOU HAVE EARNED by giving yourself 40 SKOL for each "A", 20 SKOL for each "B", and 10 SKOL for each "C" (COLLEGE STUDENTS give yourself 100 SKOL for a 3.0 average, 110 for a 3.1 average, 120 for a 3.2 average, and so on, maximun 200 SKOL)... After registering, email the total SKOL to: info@rewardsandmore.org and we will load your account with the correct amount of ScholarDollars (honor system - but we will spot check against our info). It might take 24 hours for your Scholar Dollars to appear in your account. After Registering, you will be directed to our Collections page, where you can view the rewards available for your area. ENJOY YOUR REWARDS, and keep up the good work!
After you register for an account, remember to email to: info@rewardsandmore.org giving the number of SKOL you have earned - 40 for each "A', 20 for each "B" and 10 for each "C" (College Students earn 100 SKOL for a 3.0, 110 SKOL for a 3.1, 120 SKOL for a 3.2, and so on)
That number will be verified with your school office and your account will be loaded with your ScholarDollars. Remember: your ScholarDollars may expire at the end of the semester, so go ahead and spend them now.
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